On our 20 yard range we shoot .22lr long barrel pistol (LBP) in the form of revolver, semi-auto and single shot actions. Lightweight Sporting Rifle (LSR) is also facilitated. These are mostly sporting guns ranging from air rifle, .22lr bolt action, semi-auto and single shot variants.
Furthermore, TWTSC is affiliated to the NRA which enables our FAC members rated for black powder pistol to shoot at Bisley. We mostly shoot two types of full bore, muzzle loading percussion pistol. 1) the traditional single shot pistol and 2) the cylinder loaded revolver. We use a variety of gun powders and propellants best suited to each gun. The skill of marksmanship is therefore combined by the ability to fine tune your pistol with the correct load to maximise its accuracy.
All the firearms used on our 20 yard range can be entered into postal competitions hosted by the Kent County League.